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empowering agriculture
with machinery

At PSS, our comprehensive product lineup reflects our commitment to innovative, energy-efficient, and robust machinery that caters to the diverse needs of modern agriculture.

Our extensive range includes, but is not limited to:

Rice Mill/Maize Huller

Rice Mill/Maize Huller

With an unwavering commitment to quality and customer success, PSS spearheads the transformation of farming and food processing through reliable technology and integration of renewable energy, shaping a greener and more prosperous future.


Maize Mill(Posho Mill Grade 2)

Maize Mill(Posho Mill Grade 2)

As a driving force, we present diverse energy-efficient machinery and solar-powered solutions, empowering smallholder farmers and food producers.


CombinedHammer Mill and Huller(Posho Mill Grade 1 and 2)

CombinedHammer Mill and Huller(Posho Mill Grade 1 and 2)

Productive Solar Solutions (PSS) Kenya thrives at the juncture of innovation and sustainability, reshaping the terrain of agriculture and food processing.


Chaff Cutter

Chaff Cutter

Each product is meticulously designed and engineered to provide high-quality, reliable, sustainable solutions for smallholder farmers, food processors, NGOs, and sustainable agricultural projects.




With a strong emphasis on ease of use, efficiency, and robust design, our machinery is tailored to meet the evolving demands of modern agriculture, promoting sustainable practices and community-driven growth.


Maize Thresher

Maize Thresher

Our offerings encompass AC and DC format machines engineered to endure and thrive in the rigors of farm and food processing activities. They are user-friendly and repairable, making them exceptionally convenient for remote users.


At PSS, we don't just offer machinery; we offer sustainable solutions for modern agriculture.

Our machines are designed to be easy to use, robust, and energy-efficient, making them perfect for various applications.

Whether you are a small-scale farmer, a food processor, a Self-Help Group or an NGO focused on agricultural development.

Our products are tailored to meet your needs.

Join us in driving sustainable agriculture and empowering communities with innovative, eco-friendly machinery.

Product Development and Innovations

In collaboration with key partners like Village Infrastructure Angels (VIA), PSSK has been at the vanguard of solar technology innovations.

A testament to this is our groundbreaking work in developing solar mills. Traditionally, mills have been powered by diesel or grid electricity, which poses environmental and economic challenges.

Our introduction of solar mills, equipped with highly efficient brushless DC motors, not only addresses these challenges but also presents up to 50% savings in power and energy consumption.

Recognizing the myriad of ways energy can be used productively, we have expanded our focus.

From introducing refrigeration solutions that minimize food wastage to pioneering solar laundromats that significantly reduce manual labor, PSSK continuously pushes the envelope in leveraging solar energy for productive applications.

PSSK is deeply entrenched in the communities we serve.

Our approach is holistic; we don't just introduce a product but ensure it resonates with the community's cultural, social, and economic fabric.

This is why our products, such as the solar mills, are more than just energy solutions; they are catalysts for change, emancipating communities from labor-intensive tasks and providing them with newfound opportunities for growth and development.

Productive Solar Solutions Kenya is a beacon of innovation in East Africa's renewable energy landscape.

Our unwavering commitment to delivering transformative solutions, underpinned by our rich history, technical prowess, and community-driven approach, positions us uniquely in the market.

As PSSK marches forward, we remain resolute in our mission to illuminate lives, fuel aspirations, and drive prosperity through the productive power of the sun.

Please get in touch with us to learn more about our products and how they can transform your agricultural endeavors.

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