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supporting rural development

promoting agricultural mechanisation and renewable energy

Manufacturers, suppliers, and consultants for mechanized agricultural equipment and renewable energy systems

Productive Solar Solutions (PSS)

For over 25 years from its inception in Papua New Guinea and the Pacific Islands, Project Support Services (PNG) Ltd have been supporting rural development, continuously providing solutions for farm mechanization and renewable energy.

In 2010 Project Support Services (HK) was established and partnership with a Chinese company Yingau Machinery and Equipment Ltd to enable manufacture and logistic support directly from China to support a global market

In 2022 we formed a new independent company Productive Solar Solutions (Kenya) Ltd with the goal of much more directly supporting the productive use of renewable energy sector in Africa.

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"When agriculture stimulates growth, it is twice as effective at reducing poverty than any other sector"

African Development Bank

"Without mechanized agriculture, productivity suffers, drastically lowering farmers’ earnings"

Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa

"Energy is the golden thread that connects economic growth, social equity and environmental sustainability"

Former UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon


years of farming mechanization experience


PUE appliances supplied


rural farmers helped


African countries supported



Building Bridges with Strategic Alliances

Regional Distributors

At the heart of PSSK's approach lies a B2B model that intricately weaves technology, finance, and deep local knowledge to deliver sustainable energy solutions to the market.

Local NGOs

PSSK taps into NGOs' networks and outreach capabilities to ensure products reach those who need them most.

Financial Institutions

To make their products affordable, PSSK collaborates with financial bodies to devise suitable financing options for potential consumers.

Governmental Agencies

Engaging with local governments ensures PSSK's offerings align with national energy and sustainability goals and helps navigate regulatory environments.